Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who is Responsible For The Identity Theft?

Everyone of us, should know what is right and wrong in handling such particular incident. If there is an incident of "Identity Theft". The consumer and the company are the one who are responsible for it. As a consumer, we should not trust with somebody else and we should ask for that particular company if that person asking him/her is telling the truth. And the company should conduct seminars to their client or consumer for the do's and dont's. Even if, there have many laws about the identity theft but still we as a consumer easily trust to the " stranger ", nothing will happen, it's our fault. Because we should be meticulous in dealing the person.
There should be an appropriate punishment for identity thieves and that's a life imprisonment. In order for the criminal to realize his/her mistake and learn his/her lessons. In the international nature of the internet, thieves can be handled if we are so wise to know where his/her locations, and we should find a way for it.
I should advise to the credit holders to be wise and meticulous in dealing person. Don't easily trust somebody else.